Hillary's Goon Squads

    A Democratic Party political operative who worked for eight years as an advance man for Hillary Clinton has revealed that he routinely employed "goon squads" to intimidate protesters and quash anti-Clinton demonstrations.

    "Less genteel souls sometimes referred to them as goon squads," writes Patrick Halley in his new book "On the Road with Hillary." "But I objected to that term. I was proud of the fact that not one of them had ever been arrested," he boasts.

    Halley said he prefers the term "etiquette squad" to describe the Clinton goon squads, but he admitted "they could certainly be intimidating if the occasion called for it.

    Halley revealed that whenever an anti-Hillary protest looked likely, he'd "sprinkle" the Clinton goons throughout the crowd "so there was always someone able to respond quickly."

    Rumors of Clinton operatives roughing up both reporters and protesters during Hillary's 2000 Senate campaign were legion, but the mainstream press declined to cover the assaults.

    One such altercation took place as Mrs. Clinton marched in New York's St. Patrick's Day parade during the campaign. The scene was described moments later by Metro Network News reporter Glenn Schuck, who assumed that rogue Secret Service agents had been responsible for the thug-like tactics.

    A few days after Schuck's report, a caller to WOR Radio's Bob Grant Show reported that she and her family were also accosted by the Clinton goons along the parade route.

    The goon squad tactics described by Mr. Halley were apparently also practiced by Mr. Clinton's advance team.

    During an October 1998 protest of the then-president's visit to Philadelphia, demonstrators were set upon by goons wearing T-shirts bearing the message "Teamsters for Clinton."

    Philadelphia-native Don Adams was beaten severely during the confrontation and later filed suit against city officials.

    Before the revelation in Halley's book, no one previously associated with the Clinton White House had ever admitted using goon squads to stifle free speech.