
Breaking Time release: Clinton holds 19 point lead over Obama

TIME COVER: ONLY 648 DAYS UNTIL the ELECTION! (Why so many candidates are jumping in so early) A Guide to the Most Wide-Open Race Since 1928

TIME Poll: Hillary Clinton is Clear Dem Front Runner; Giuliani Has Highest Favorability Rating of Any Candidate

(New York, January 25, 2007)—In this week’s issue, TIME reports on the early kickoff to the 2008 presidential contest and examines eight key factors in the campaign and the potential consequences of such a protracted race. TIME’s managing editor Richard Stengel announces TIME’s first 2008 election poll and the creation of a regular feature, the TIME Election Index, “an original way of tracking the rise and fall of presidential candidates [that] tracks familiarity against likeability, the gold standard for successful candidates. As the campaign progresses, the TIME Index will show who’s soaring, who’s sinking and who’s standing still.”

TIME Election Index (p. 35) TIME’s Karen Tumulty writes, “The surprising news is that this week’s Election Index puts former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani ahead of Arizona Senator John McCain … for the top spot in the G.O.P. Hillary Clinton leads the Democrats, but the Election Index shows that she has slightly less potential general election support than Giuliani.”

TIME Poll Results (p. 34) http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1582130,00.html


Hillary Clinton is the clear front runner for the Democratic nomination, with a 19-point lead over Barack Obama; Clinton is considered highly electable by a large majority (63%) of registered voters

Giuliani enjoys the highest favorability ratings among potential presidential candidates with 82% of voters having a favorable impression of him

Hillary Clinton is the presidential candidate that voters would most like to have over for dinner


Fair play!