
Double-standard Man said:

PJP said:
I know a secret service man personally that is on their security detail and is with one or both of them at all times........they have not patched things up.....they are together for political purposes.

I'm pretty sure secret service personal are not supposed to go around talking about stuff like that. He probably signed something to that effect saying he wouldn't. Since he's not honorable enough to do his job I wouldn't put it past him to make things up too. Whats his name btw?

The hell do you know about 'honorable enough' anyway? You find it easier to believe that someone paid and sworn to protect the First Family (at the cost of his own life no less) might fabricate something comparatively trivial (at risk of being prosecuted for slander or libel) than that a bought-and-paid-for media spin machine might gloss over something like that? You really are a piece of work.


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