Let's follow that train of logic that MEM just put forth.

MEM has just posited his belief that a person who talks too much, about something he shouldn't is likely to be a coward when called upon to risk his life.

Let's assume that to be the case.

Now let's apply it to other, real life, examples.

Police officers aren't supposed to talk about many aspects of their work. But I know a lot of them do, especially to family and friends. Under MEM's logic, those police officers would be cowards on the job.

Similarly, doctors are bound by doctor-patient privilege and federal confidentiality laws. But some doctors talk about their patients. In fact, I suspect many of them tell their spouses about their day to day case load. Therefore, under MEM's logic, those doctors are weaklings who wouldn't perform heroic measures to save a patient.

And, of course, soldiers often say things they shouldn't about classified matters to family members, spouses or girlfriends. Therefore, under MEM-view, those soldiers would be coward in the field.

Now, let's keep the above assumptions and assume that, what MEM is really talking about is the idea that someone would lie about something from his job and that this, coupled with (or independent of) his failure to maintain a code of silence translate into the likelihood that such a person would be a coward under fire.

Let's accept that premise of MEM's for now. Let it sink in.


Now that its sunk in, think about this:

Under MEM's logic, detailed above, it is more likely than not that John Kerry was, in fact, a coward during Vietnam and did not earn his medals.

Under MEM's logic, the fact that Kerry lied about throwing his medals away is evidence that he was a coward in Vietnam.

Under MEM's logic, the fact that Kerry went before congress and discussed potentially classifed material, while still a member of the military, is evidence that he didn't deserve his medals.

In short, if you accept MEM's logic, and don't flip flop or hypocritcally apply a different standard to democrats, MEM just proved the Swift Boat vets were right when they said Kerry was a coward in Vietnam.

Good work there, MEM. In your partisan zeal, like a trapped rat, to lash out blindly at anyone who might criticize the Clintons, you just set forth at chain of logic that gives evidence to something you've been arguing against for nearly three years.....AND insulted thousands of police officers and soldiers.

No bonus check from the DNC for you, little man!

Oh, but I'm sure you "support the troops."