
Matter-eater Man said:
Presidents have been allowed/trusted to use the military without congress declaring war. Bush has damaged that trust. If Clinton had gotten over 3 thousand troops killed & billions of dollars spent in poor planning in Kosovo I'm sure he would have been put on a short leash too.

Bush isn't going to be allowed to make a bigger mess.

I think Hillary Clinton would damage that trust far more.

She endorses Bill Clinton's action in Kosovo (1999)
She authorizes similar use of U.S. military force in Iraq (Sept 2002)
She now condemns W. Bush's military invasion of Iraq, that she voted for.

At least Bush is consistent and believes unrelentingly in overcoming past setbacks, and to ultimately winning the war in Iraq.

Hillary Clinton, like the rest of her party, remains committed to saying and doing whatever will get her elected, and will abandon anyone (the Iraqi people risking their lives to establish democracy in Iraq , our troops on the ground in Iraq, and any foreign allied nation) the moment they become inconvenient, and become a political liability for her.