
Wonder Boy said:....
I think Hillary Clinton would damage that trust far more.

She endorses Bill Clinton's action in Kosovo (1999)

Kosovo wasn't Iraq. Bush Sr. recognized the problems with invading Iraq & wisely avoided making a mess of Dessert Storm.

She authorizes similar use of U.S. military force in Iraq (Sept 2002)

Recently the Pentagon investigated itself & found that about 50% of it's Iraq intel was wrong. She was told that Iraq was an imminent threat & unlike previously there was phony intel backing it up.


She now condemns W. Bush's military invasion of Iraq, that she voted for.

Pretty easy call when a leader wastes thousands of lives & billions of dollars IMHO.


At least Bush is consistent and believes unrelentingly in overcoming past setbacks, and to ultimately winning the war in Iraq.

Conistency in being a poor leader isn't a good thing. Setbacks is about the kindest word you could pick for all his errors.


Hillary Clinton, like the rest of her party, remains committed to saying and doing whatever will get her elected, and will abandon anyone (the Iraqi people risking their lives to establish democracy in Iraq , our troops on the ground in Iraq, and any foreign allied nation) the moment they become inconvenient, and become a political liability for her.

G-man proves your wrong about Clinton saying or doing anything to get elected. Review this thread, he's been enjoying Hillary's friction with liberals because she won't "say or do anything".

This current President has thrown away & damaged so much. Great Britain & our allies won't be so quick to jump in with us the next time something even looks like another Iraq. Our military has been stretched to the limits with poor planning & find themselves trying to help a people that think it's OK to fire upon US troops. It's the GOP that has for years adopted the brightest & cheeriest position on Iraq now changing it's tune. They can "say or do anything" to stay elected but I hope people remember what these guys have said & done.

Fair play!