
Matter-eater Man said:
Feminism in basic terms is about equality. Most candidates running for President have spouses that campaign with them. Hillary did it for Bill, now it's Bill turn to do it for her.

Perhaps. However, you answered a different question than the one I asked. You mischaracterized my earlier post.

I specifically noted that this was only the latest example of her seemingly riding her husband's coattails to get her "job."

She wasn't elected NYS Senator because of experience (or even residency obviously). It was wholly because of her marriage to Bill and resulting fame.

In Arkansas, its been reported that most of her positions were as a result of people cozying up to her in order to cozy up to Bill (as either A.G. or Governor).

So, for twenty years or more, every job she's ever gotten--and now the job she wants--involves using her husband's fame and influence to get it.

Again, how in accord is that, not with nepotism, not with ambition, but with the femnisim some see her as a role model for?