Still nonresponsive.

As noted above, I asked a specific question about whether the particular choice made by a particular candidate, in this case Hillary, undercut her image in a particular area (an area which is, also, obviously irrelevant to any male 2008 candidate or, in the case of Bush, noncandidate).

Furthermore, as noted above, Hillary is not casting Bill in the role of a supportive spouse. She is casting him as the "star," and hoping some of his cred rubs off on her.

Love Hillary or hate Hillary, these are legitimate, interesting, issues related to the unprecedented nature of her campaign as both (arguably) the first major female presidential candidate and (indistputably) the first former first lady to run for president.

The fact that you can't answer them and try to distract us with your standard bash on Bush tends to project an implicit recognition on your part that this is a weakness for her.