
Matter-eater Man said:
Hillary isn't guilty of Bill's [adultery]. Rudy is guilty of being one of those parents who leave his kids behind for the newest wife.

But if wanted to follow your chain of logic, and I don't, I could note the following:

Its been established that Bill cheated on Hillary. Multiple times. Including with a young woman not much older than Chelsea. Hillary has accepted this and stayed with Bill despite his muliple acts of adultury.

It is more or less indisputable that parents' behaviors affect their children. Parents are, of course, role models. For example, there are studies that indicate adultery scars children. There is also the concept that Hillary, by staying with Bill, has taught her daughter that it is okay to stay with a man who devalues you to the point of cheating on you.

Therefore, using your chain of logic, Bill and Hillary, as well as Rudy, have all been bad parents.

Yet of the three, you seem to feel that bad parenting disqualifies the candidate in only one case. That case, of course, being the Republicans.

As noted above, I don't feel that Bill and Hillary's bad parenting disqualified them to hold office. I feel the same way about Rudy.

I'm consistent. You, Chris, are not.

You excuse bad parenting and adultery for democrats and embrace family values for republicans.