Conspiracy Theory: ABC Suggests GOP Behind '1984' Anti-Hillary Ad

    MSM-think: when you have no facts on a controversy, offer up the Democrats' anti-GOP conjecture. That was ABC's modus operandi this morning.

    Being the astute observers of the political scene they are, most NewsBusters readers have surely watched the YouTube-based anti-Hillary campaign ad that has been making the rounds.

    It is a take-off on the famous Apple computer ad, which in turn was inspired by George Orwell's anti-authoritarian epic "1984." In the current version, an ominous Hillary, appearing on a wide screen to an audience of automatons, represents Big Brother in the same way IBM did in the Apple original. Barack Obama, represented by a woman athlete of a certain age, plays the hero, hurling a hammer into the screen to smash the state and free the prisoners.

    Today's "Good Morning America" ran a segment on the ad. And guess who turned out to be the villian? At the segment's end, ABC's Claire Shipman acknowledged that "there still are no real clues about the author." But that didn't stop Shipman from spinning the story to attack Republicans:

    "Robin, the ultimate conspiracy theory, some Democrats think a Republican operative could be responsible because it not only makes Hillary Clinton look bad but Barack Obama look bad, since it's an attack ad."