
March 20, 2007
In an interview with NY1 Tuesday, Senator Hillary Clinton addressed the controversial new video that's attacking her credibility and promoting the presidential campaign of chief rival, Barack Obama.

After talking about Senate hearings concerning the health of 9/11 recovery workers, Clinton spoke for the first time about the YouTube video that's quickly become one of the most-watched clips on the website.

In the video based on an Apple computer advertisement from 1984 smashing IBM, Clinton is portrayed as a "Big Brother"-figure lecturing to a sea of drones.

Clinton says she isn't worried about the video's impact.

“I haven't seen it but I’m pleased that it seems to be taking attention away from what used to be on YouTube and getting a lot of hits, namely me singing ‘The Star Spangled Banner.’ Everybody in the world now knows I can't carry a tune,” said Clinton. “I thank heavens for small favors and the attention has shifted, and now maybe people won't have to tune in and hear me screeching about ‘The Star Spangled Banner.’”

The ad ends with an image directing viewers to Barack Obama's website.

On CNN’s “Larry King Live” Monday night, Democratic challenger Obama says the clip was not made from his team.

“It's democratization of the process,” he said. “But it's nothing we're a part of.”

Clinton, meanwhile, says the video could be a blessing in disguise.

“I think anything that drives interest in these campaigns and get people who otherwise are not at all interested in politics, I think that's pretty good,” she continued. “I might quibble a little bit about the content, but if we get more people, especially young people, thinking about politics, I'm happy about that.”

Clinton says the video is just a temporary distraction on the campaign trail.

Wednesday, a Senate panel she sits on will hear from Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who will testify about the health impact of the September 11th terrorist attacks.

It's cool she's taking it in stride & even has a sense of humor about it. I guess FOX ran this at least 5 times the day the network found out about it. No big surprise there

Fair play!