
Matter-eater Man said:
I should add not all First Lady experience is equal. The ones who played the role as America's mom & didn't draw fire or criticism for not knowing their "place" may have more trouble capitalizing on their past experience.

Agreed. I remember the end of West Wing had the new first lady being told about her options. One was the nice homemaker who threw parties, the other was a more modern wife role with her own political causes to work for.
Hillary was clearly the latter. She was very active in Clinton's 8 years in office, much more than Laura has been.
Just going by credentials:
Nancy Reagan was a theater major.
Barbara Bush dropped out of college to have babies.
Laura Bush has a degree in Education and was a teacher/librarian.
Hillary on the other hand, went to law school, was counsel involved with Watergate, on faculty at a law school, first woman partner of a law firm. That alone could get someone definitely into state legislature but with the right charisma could win her a senate seat. Then you add in her firsthand experience as an advisor to a governor and a president for 20 plus years, as well as work on congressional (bill's first failed campaign), gubernatorial (sp?), and presidential campaigns and she has the credentials to seriously run for president.

I'm a little surprised G-man doesn't support her. She's also a lawyer who is rumored to be gay.

Bow ties are coool.