
the G-man said:
Hillary Rodhan Clinton supports Defense of Marriage Act (2000)

    when it comes to gay marriage, first lady Hillary Rodhan Clinton is standing by her man.

    Clinton, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate from New York State, said January 10 that she opposes same-sex marriage. She also said she would have voted for the Defense of Marriage Act, a bill passed by Congress in 1996 that prevents federal recognition of same-sex marriage.

    "Marriage has got historic, religious, and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time, and I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been, between a man and a woman," Clinton said.

I'm afraid that damn " Abomination " line from the bible is going to be with us for a very long time...

But the Bible isn't the only factor here..

Money has a lot to do with this, too.

It not only happened to me, but I know of several gay men who lost the home they lived in with their lover because the family of the deceased lover did whatever they could to get them out of the home, whether or not there was a will or a marriage or a civil union.

The families want whatever they can get!

I know a guy who told me that a family member of his dead lover was sent to kill him because the lover and he had bought the house together - so, his name was on the deed.

They didn't care about the guys' life. They just wanted the house and everything in it.

George's family did a lot of crazy, illegal shit to me after George had died. I would rather not relive it .... lets' just say I am lucky to be alive today.

So, anti gayness is about a lot of things : misdirected hate, ignorance, greed, stupidity, etc.

( Money is the bottom line - The families want what they can get! They don't want that ruined. )

They also use the Bible as an excuse to hate. This act belittles all good Christians. I know plenty of Christians ( and Catholics ) who have accepted me as I am, and have not told me that I am hell bound simply for being gay.

No one knows for sure who will go where after death.

It is a belief.

Beliefs are neither right or wrong.

It is how you act on that belief that could be discerned as right or wrong.

And I would still like to know : Just how the hell is two men or two women getting married going to destroy the sanctity of heterosexual marriage? Heterosexuals seem to be destroying marriage just fine with no help from gays.

What is the current divorce rate? 52 % of all marriages break up now?

If marriage is so sacred, why is it not very durable? Why don't these anti gay marriage people address their own issues?

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.