"Pixies - 2004-07-03 - Eurockéennes (PAL DVD)"

I'm currently watching that one. Man! I'd pay $20.00 for that concert! It's that good.

Recent buys have been The Star Wars Trilogy, Chinatown, Thelma and Louise, Later With Jools Holland Presents "Cool Britannia", Mayor of the Sunset Strip (recommended!) and some 70's spy stuff such as Three Days of the Condor, Parallax View,The Day of the Jackal, Capricorn One, the 'Airport' box set, From Here to Eternity, The Punisher, The Seige, Roswell, Justice League: Starcrossed and The History of Rock and Roll Box set.

So you can see why comics have been in steady decline for me. I definately get more 'bang for buck' not to mention a complete story from DVD.

So Christianne F is on DVD? I gotta get that one too!