Rob mentioning Storm brings up something that annoys me about the current cruiser title.
The weight restriction is just too restricting meaning that guys like Storm,Y2J & Matt Hardy are no longer viable contenders (yeah,yeah I know Matt did that whole weight loss thing).
I preffered the old WWE light heavyweight title which also allowed the smaller "big" guys to compete.
Guys like Jericho,Benoit,Eddie Guerrero,Christian etc can so easily fight in both light heavyweight & heavyweight divisions without looking out of place!
This is why the X-Division in NWA is probably better than the WWE cruiser division!

A guy like Rey Rey is only as good as the guys he is competing against,and we have seen some great matches with him up against non cruisers!

Tajiri is not a good competitor so I`m not expecting much from his match against Rey Rey at No Mercy!