Fuck Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Team Fox for ruining the reputation of a man who could have been our greatest President since JFK. Fuck Rush Limbaugh and his propaganda.

Fuck the news media for being so damn conservative and paying too much attention to those SBV.

Fuck the swift boat vets for coming back from Vietnam.

Fuck Kerry for conceeding and not drawing this out to give America hope.

Fuck Kerry again for taking the spotlight away from a great man who would have managed to take Ohio, would have been more than Bush lite, and would have had a better grassroots campaign to get the youth out to vote. I'm speaking of Howard Dean.

Fuck Edwards for not getting any of the south.

Fuck Ohio for fucking ruining my Tuesday night, Wednesday night, Thursday night, and almost ruining my Friday night. Fuck Ohio.

Fuck Florida. Fucking Florida.

Fuck Kansas

Fuck Texas

Fuck Ohio again for the hell of it

Fuck Oklahoma

Fuck all the other red states

Fuck Vodka for tasting so bad

and fuck you!