
Jeremy said:
Okay fine. Anyone ever see My Life with Michael Keaton? The end of that movie had me sobbing like a baby.

I just saw My Life a few weeks ago. Great flick. And, yes, I cried.

Other films that have elicited tears:

Return of the King - In two places: when Sam begins to carry Frodo up Mt. Doom and when all of Minas Tirith bows to the little hobbits.

Armageddon - Why the hell did they kill off Bruce Willis?! Damn losers!

The Last Samurai - From the final battle on, I was pretty much a puddle.

Requiem for a Dream - I managed to make it through the whole movie without crying, but just had to break down halfway through the credits... if for nothing else, the sheer magnitude of what these people went through and all they'd lost.

Forrest Gump - Damn good movie. I especially cry at the end when Jenny dies and he sends Forrest Jr. off to school.

Passion of the Christ - Especially when his mom is flashing back to when he was a boy as he falls down with the cross and he just looks up at her and says, "Behold, Mother... I make all things new." I just lost it after that.

Life is Beautiful - Just thinking of the sacrifice that man made for his son boggles my mind.

Schindler's List - If you can make it through this movie without shedding a tear, you're not human. There. I said it.

I'm sure there have been others, but these are the main ones. Ever since I actually started involving myself in the films I watch rather than just watching them (I hope you can see the difference), I've become a lot more prone to crying during them. Hell, I even found myself tearing up when Morgan died in Tombstone. Stoopid...