
Darknight613 said:
It sounds to me like this is personal politics talking.

The same list (assuming you can get the link to work) also "dissed" George W. Bush, so I don't think you can blame the criticism of Moore on "personal politics."

Politics aside, the minute that Moore announced a sequel to "F-911" I suspect he pretty much lost a hell of a lot of cred as a "serious" filmmaker, even among his industry supporters.

Reason: Again, politics aside, Moore had portrayed his movie as a legitimate attempt to change the world through film. Obviously, it didn't work (Bush got re-elected), but he made himself a whole lot of money in the process.

By announcing a sequel to a documentary that (a) didn't accomplish what it set out to do; and (b) when the subject of the doc can't be re-elected President again anyway, Moore looks less like a guy who wants to change the world with his films and more like a guy who found a marketable brand name for a film series and is going to ride it into the ground for big bucks, quality be damned.

Basically, he looks like the George Lucas of documentary filmmakers.