
Captain Sammitch said:

wannabuyamonkey said:
So, Sammich, you ever gonna back up your claim that Calvinists are offended by menorahs?

Did you read my above post or what? And try and spell my screen name correctly, as you spelled everything else in your post correctly. Unless you're doing it on purpose like klinton does, in which case do your thing. It was a joke, it wasn't for you, we moved on.

No, acctually, I some how missed your response, wich is odd since I made a point to look for it, oh, well. I didn't realise you were just being a r3x since you've made misstatements about what Calvinists believe before you knew there were any Calvinists in the room. I assumed you were just parroting the typical missunderstanding of covenant theology inherant in Calvinism that implies an opposition to jewish traditions or even being anti-semetic.

As far as the spelling of your name, I didn't acctually realise wich way you spelled it. You may or may not have noticed that spelling is not one of my strong suits, so don't take it personally.

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