I've got a doozie and it helps that I spent hours living this today...

I don't get why they don't turn the heat on in the auditorium at church when they know people will be in there doing something like rehurse (worshp team), light and set change, etc. It was litterally so cold that I didn't even take my coat and scarf off. I was already wearing jeans, a tshirt and denim shirt under that, which normally when I do set changes I can't have long sleeves on because it gets so hot on stage with the lights on. But I turned just about all the lights, at one point, and you could barely feel the heat from them.

When I left, my hands were so cold they were nearly frozen, and as if that wasn't bad enough, they literally looked dryer than they were prior to that. Not too long before we broke for lunch at 2, I took the coat and scarf off because they were getting in my way but put my gloves on.

man was it cold in there. They FINALLY put the gas heat on some time after 3, supposidly the electric heat was on, but it was only 58 degrees in there. I pointed out to those that didn't realize this, that with the outside doors being like they are, double doors, no dividers or weather stripping in the center (at least it feels like there isn't any) all the cold air comes in through there, causing ti to be way colder in there. I found that out the hard way a few weeks ago when I could still get by with my jean jacket and a long sleeve shirt under it, when I sat in front of one of them, directly in front of the center of it, and a few feet away from it. I had my jacket on the entire time and was still cold.

It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.