Honestly, I didn't like that one, C W.

But then, I don't like the level of profanity, violence, and deliberate foulness of Garth Ennis' work in anything I've read by him. He seems to pride himself in how vulgar and blasphemous he can be.

I vaguely recall the story being about a sadistic, drooling, foul-talking filth-encrusted wino, out on a killing spree, which the two anti-heroes of the series dispatch at story's end.

One that I loved, that had a similar irreverence for the holiday, but still managed to not include the more over-the-top elements is BIZARRE ADVENTURES 34, which I listed previously here.

Another that I just picked up this week is a new MARVEL HOLIDAY SPECIAL.

I especially enjoyed "The Mole Man's Christmas", which contained playful reference to the movie Citizen Kane, with the FF in a search for the Mole Man and his obsession with Christmas since childhood.

Plus an Avengers Christmas story.

And a third story featuring the FF in a more Dickens-patterned setting.