
Carlin listened and was very attentive, but he responded with a remark I still remember: “We reserve the right to occasionally tell a story with an unhappy ending.”

TRANSLATION: "Suck it, Trebek."

Don't get me wrong, I had no problems with the idea of Hal being replaced as GL, and I like Kyle Rayner fine. I just think DC did it in a very poor way (Hal suddenly going crazy after several stories in which he was coping with Coast City's loss pretty well, without any logical build-up toward the insanity seen in "Emerald Twilight"). That Carling just blew it off as "we have the right to tell an unhappy ending" shows just how out of touch he really is. He's always been all about the "event," to hell with the consequences. That he'd counter a fair argument with a "we can do whatever we want" kind of comment really shows the kind of out-of-the-loop cluelessness that's been plaguing DC for years.

My first novel, Wounds of the Heart (http://www.booksurge.com/product.php3?bookID=IMPR02655-00001), has been published. Check it out, if you like.