
I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
...I mean Parys. I can't find the thread where you asked about this (it might be because I haven't looked), but here it is:


So yes, there does come this point when characters start talking to you. They'll start telling you what
they want to do, you'll know what they would say and what they wouldn't say. I mean when I started writing Watchmen , I'd got no idea that Rorschach was gonna be dead by the end of it, it was just by about issue three I started to know the character and I thought: “he's got a death wish”…he's so self-destructive, he's clearly…he wants out. There's no way that he's gonna live through this, he wouldn't be able to live with any sort of moral compromises, so he'll have to die. But it was the character himself who told me that, after two or three issues. I'd got no idea when I started it.

More: http://www.enginecomics.co.uk/interviews/jan05/alanmoore.htm

Hurm......(pun intended)

Well, that definitely explains what I wanted to know.

I originally thought that he was trying to say that his death was justified cuz' principles don't mean shit. I mean, I thought Moore was saying that killing Rorsach was the right thing to do in the hypothetical situation.