
Meeko said:

Joe Mama said:

Meeko said:
Why do men always point out whether they have an agenda or not? I don't get that.

In this case, it's so Cap'n Sammitch doesn't kick my big, beautiful, Bostonian butt from Fenway to the CHAHL'S RIVAH!!!

In most cases, though, it's to show that the compliment given is one with no strings attached. Like when a guy buys you a beer because you're cute, but doesn't try to come over to you. No agenda: kudos for the sake of giving kudos.

But, if you'd like to return the favor, I won't argue...

[Dammit, Cap'n! Quit punchin' me!!!]

I really don't think cap'n really cares all that much. Trust me. He has a thing for the beautiful ceej... I think?

Ceej is nice and cute and all, but I already picked a favorite.

I think you know her.


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