Sharpton: Ban Artists Linked to Violence

NEW YORK Mar 8, 2005 — The Rev. Al Sharpton is putting in his two cents about the latest drama involving 50 Cent. The civil rights leader on Tuesday proposed a ban that would muzzle artists who are connected to any violent acts, denying them airplay on radio and television for 90 days.

Though Sharpton did not single out 50 Cent by name, he told The Associated Press that a recent shooting linked to a feud involving 50 demonstrated the need for such a policy.

"There's a difference in the having the right to express yourself and in engaging in violence and using the violence to hype record sales, and then polluting young Americans that this is the key to success, by gunslinging and shooting," he said........

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." - George W. Bush State of the Union speech Jan 28, 2003 "mission accomplished" - George W. Bush May 2, 2003 It does not require a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in peoples minds". Samuel Adams said that. Pretty deep for a guy that makes beer for a living - The Boondocks "A conservative is one who admires radicals centuries after they're dead" - Leo C. Rosten