I got this in a PM and he asked me to pass it along:


Fellow members of the RKMB,

For some time now I have been living a lie. The life of a internet princess. In my mind it made me feel better about myself. In time the lies got worse. I pretended to be a teacher, latching on to the lives of gymnasts in a desperate pleas for attention. Why? Because I hate my self. I hate myself for my racist attitudes towards blacks, sponges, and martians. I hate myself because of my total disrespect for my grandparents who have provided a good life for me. That is why I have lashed out so much at them in my posts as well as everyone else. I would like to make a special apology to basams and Mxys, you perserverence in uncovering the truth about me has exposed me to the world, and in a strange way myself. I have to move on now, the state has set me up with an appointment to see a doctor and I pray that someday I'll have a normal life again. To those I cybered with under the guise of a woman I apologize for any embarassmen. To r3x29yz4a who knew I wasn't a woman but didn't care thanks fo the hours of online wank, and the soiled undies you FedEx'd me. I will return someday. Reborn, refresheshed and anew. I pray when my sessions are completed, you will find the new me and accept me with open arms. For I will no longer be PrincessElissa The Lying Teacher Impersonatort, But PrinceEli Truth Teller!

Jake "PrincessElissa" Johnson