
PaulWellr said:
I think the idea of having right-wing creationist paleontologists and geologists who would approach their fields with the prejudiced viewpoint of the earth being 6000 years old and devoid of dinousaurs to be the stuff of a potentially decent SNL skit.

I agree.

But that's a completely simplistic view of the type of "conservative" thought that could, and should, be allowed at universities and apparently isn't.

There is legitimate conservative thought in the areas of ecnomics, politics, etc., that apparently-at least according to the examples cited in this thread-is being given the short shrift simply due to idealogical biases and a prejudiced viewpoint amoungst the tenured faculty.

And, of course, there's this question: How, for example, is the scenario you just made up any more bigoted and ignorant than left wing poli-sci professors who approach their fields with the prejudiced viewpoint that Soviet style communisim got a bad rap or that the victims of 9/11 were "little Eichmanns" who deserved to die for the US's alleged "sins"?

Answer: it isn't. And that's why this is an issue.