
The Time Trust said:
It worked so well in KINGDOM COME because Captain Marvel/Billy Batson was made to be a pawn -- there's no getting around that. He's a glorified guard-dog for the so-called "gods".

And to add to my point:

Ever wonder why Shazam chose CHILDREN to become his agents on Earth? The story is supposedly that children are more "pure" than adults and less likely to be corrupted by power, and the story of Black Adam is given as an example.

I say that's bullshit. If anything, children are MORE susceptible to being corrupted by power because they're still being taught social mores and such. Children with power are terrible creatures, indeed -- just look at history and all the child-kings who abused their power, just like many of their adult counterparts.

I think the reason Shazam began to use children as his agents is because they're more easily controlled than adults. Children have no critical thinking skills, not developing such until their later teens, sometimes not until their early twenties, and sometimes never. They're more easily manipulated than adults, and I don't think Shazam liked the fact that Black Adam wasn't completely under his thumb.

BOOM! Now he gets a bunch of children together and gives them power in return for making them "super-heroes". They, of course, never question his sketchy motivations for such and don't even realize the extent to which they are being manipulated by the old bastard.

That Shazam sure is a crafty one.