
ShazamGrrl1 said:

Thanks for calling Food Eater Lad (a.k.a., "Caitlin O'Malley") a twat, Joey. He is one.

And a fucktard.

And a child molester. (Why else would he be teaching? He hates women, so he probably can't get it up with any female over the age of 12.)

FYI, "Cait", it's nethers, not "neithers", you dumbass. I like to keep my spelling, punctuation and syntax errors at an absolute minimum. IF I had an alternate ID on this forum, I woud do what most idiots with them would: use a different style of writing. I wouldn't "imitate" someone else, and I STILL wouldn't make such stupid, OBVIOUS blunders.

The post by "Caitlin O'Malley" is more proof that "she" is none other than FEL, the whiny bitch of a stupid twat who "thinks" stallking people who know he's a stupid twat is a fun way to pass time. BTW, fucktard, how's "Mrs. Freddy Freeman"?

BTW, Joey, while "Caitlin" was calling you a bunch of fucks, I was standing in line at Fry's Electronics, waiting for a cashier to ring up my new modem. I've been offline since Thrusday, you moron.

Speaking of weight problems, Joey, you're just a fat, sad, pathetic asshole with an inch-long dick who can only get laid by screwing blow-up dolls.

So, how is Louise?

You are a no-talent hack writer, you miserable bitch.

I'm a witch grrrrrrrrrrrl! Hear me roar!