I picked The Borg and Q as coolest villains. As noted earlier in here, the Borg saved Voyager. Q was always cool. He was so nice to Picard, he even introduced the Borg to the Federation. Was he a great guy or what?

Picard as best captain. He was a thinking man, a diplomat. I like the other captains just fine.

Star Trek 2 : the Wrath of Khan. It was VERY exciting and fast paced! First Contact was a VERY close second.

Lt. Uhura and Seven of Nine - My two choices for sexiest trek women. Dax was a close third.

Best series : Next Generation. Voyager and Original Trek tied for second.

Major Trek fan here, have a LOT of these shows taped from tv, movies on tape - dvd. My love for Trek goes back to Sept 1966, with the First episode First series!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.