For coolest villain, I went with Chang. I've yet to see Wrath of Khan, to my eternal shame, so I don't know about Khan really.

Bets aliens went to the Q collective, largely on Q. The others of his kind we've seen have been alright ideas (anyone remember the girl who didn;t know she was one of them?) but less brilliant characters. Q, on the other hand, ruled the galaxy.

Uhura won for me, largely on the basis of the original series. TNG's women were all a bit dull, and Voyager and DS9 dnever really made their girls sexy (other than Seven, who wasn;t really my type).

Picard won best captain for me. True, Kirk symbolised us better, and Archer has a nice ordinariness, but Picard remains my fave. He had an incredible authority which none of the others had, and some wonderful bits of character stuff in the films.

Best movie has to be The Voyage Home. That was the first original series film I ever saw, and I loved it. After that one I'd go for Undiscovered Country and then First Contact. The Original Cast always seemed more at home on the big screen, and the plots were much 'bigger'.

TNG was the best series. Enterprise tailed off into boredom, Voyager had poor sections in the middle, and DS9 was never truly spectacular, though it worked well throughout, and I can say that I never missed an episode. That leaves Classic Trek, and TNG. I never took to the series, which looked, in terms of sets and design, crap. At least in Dr. Who you got a real quarry...

Nope, gotta be TNG. It had some of the best characters, in Picard, Worf and Data, and some of the best storylines, such as Time's Arrow, The Best of Both Worlds and Skin of Evil. Plus, it had a recurring celebrity guest star who was atcually very good in Whoopi Goldberg.