
Wednesday said:
Coolest Alien Races: The Borg and The Tribbles

The Borg were a menace like no other. Unfeeling to a point the Vulcans could never reach. They were more of a menace to the Federation than all the other alien races combined, and you knew they were never going to wussy out and allow their own kind to join (and before you say it, 7 of 9 was not allowed). The first time I saw the Borg Cube I knew they were gonna kick some ass. And I was right. They went back in time to take over the world. They turned Picard against us and defeated an entire armada. The Klingon could have never done that.

But nothing beats The Tribbles. Cute, little furballs that completely took over the Enterprise. And they really took over. I don't care what you say, they owned that episode. Period. Exclamation point, even. This was not a "Kirk" or "Spock" episode. Who were they? They might as well have handled lighting. No, The Tribbles took over Star Trek like no other race had before or has since. So much so that Trek did a time travel story JUST to revisit that episode.

On a sidenote, The Tribbles would defeat the aforementioned Borg hands down.

Thanks for reading.