On this slightly shorter, evaluating-STAR TREK-in-all-its-forms focused topic, I wanted to offer a link to nicely detailed (or fanboy-retentively-detailed, depending on your POV) index of all things TREK:

I linked it to a listing for James T. Kirk because, aside from Shatner's role being a major center of my love for Star Trek, it gives an example of how the site works, chronologically ordering episodes of all the series relevant, in a detailed overview of how they all fit together in a combined continuity.
Sometimes I find it interesting, other times overly geeky.

It would gain more points for me if they described the stories and characters as fictional constructions, rather than as if they were real people and events.

But the graphics and photos, and behind-the-scenes information (as much as you choose to read) are unbeatable.

Another great example entry is for the "City on the Edge of Forever" episode.