
jeez up to five pages already. I didnt even want to read some of the negative opinions im sure are on this board already. I just want to say Thank you if JUdd is reading this. Not since Oneil left and the no mans land saga ended has any of the batman books have been up to par. People understand the neccesity to move forward. All the stories of the pain and guilt Bruce felt for jason's death has been done. Now a whole new bunch of stories come out of him being alive. The last few pages with him beating on the joker brilliant. Sorry but unlike other resuurection this one is so far from trite. It is dynamic in its scope and it turns the whole bat universe upside down. The ramifications will effect Tim, Barbara, the joker , Dick, alfred as well as bruce. Again enjoy the ride people


OK, I feel better now.

Go get this one, rex.