by disturbingly large popular demand

operation: poster phoenix

the statement:
though we continue, as a community, to inch towards 2,000 registered posters on these boards, many of that total have long since disappeared for varying reasons -- venturing off into other areas of cyber space or, dare we say it, real life!

the mission:
to return these former rkmbs posters to glory, by bringing them back to this forum as regular posters, forcing them to, once again, join our daily parade of endless stupidity.

the weaponry:
annoyance! emails, pms, instant messages, taunting topics and threads, etc. direct or indirect -- whatever it takes for them to return. no mercy!

current target:
First National Bastard
    Member # 219
    Name: Red-Eye Reaper
    Title 36-24-1500
    Total Posts: 1708
    Occupation: Slacker, Ramblin' Man, First National Bastard.
    Hobbies: Women... comics... sci-fi... tattoos... a whole bunch of other shit.
    Location: Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, Earth Prime
    Registered on Mon Aug 13 2001 12:00 PM

status: last seen with this post, March 15, 2004.

recommended approach:
bombard target with emails or PMs with links to this thread.

my minions, commence attack!

giant picture