You should play The Master....

I've only met Pertwee, and that was by accident. He was flying out of Atlanta after a con, and while with family, I ran into him at the airport. He was genuinely surprised that an American twelve-year-old would recognize him. Found out we share the same middle name. Got a photo with him. It was the fanboy geek-out of my lifetime.

Tom was the Doctor they sold Americans with. His run pretty much defines a generation of viewers over here. Some aren't even aware there are others before and after him.

Hartnell, I love. He's this anti-social, arrogant, pissed-off old rebel. A different era, and he could have been an ex-hippy.

Troughton and Pertwee are to be respected, and I like them for their portrayal of the character. But, they aren't my favorites.

Tom (of the Baker persuasion) is, by far, the uber Doctor. He's pretty dominant, and it doesn't hurt that he did the part longer than anyone else.

Peter was cool, and props to him for having the balls to take over for Baker.

Colin was, much like Hartnell, an asshole. I loved it. Hated the outfit.

Syl was....okay. I think his stories suffered more than his portrayal of the character.

McGann was the only thing good about the TV movie, and a damn cool Doctor.

Eccleston was just fucking brilliant, and the first actor to come along that gives Tom a run for his money.

Don't know what the new guy's going to be like. But, as long as Billie Piper is still in it. Damn...hotness.