
Prometheus said:...
See, that's one of the things I enjoyed about it, really. I don't think The Doctor should always be "the hero" or, even, right. I like it when he screws up. Cause, when he does, it's always on a very large scale. This gives him more of a fallibility that I appreciate in certain incarnations.

Otherwise, if he's always right, and always wins, the character is simply reduced to another two-dimensional caricature of the guy William Hartnell created. Just my opinion, you understand...

I actually agree with that opinion. In the Dalek episode the imperfect Dr. worked for me but for the "undead" one it didn't as much. I still liked the episode, while the Dr. F-ed up, he did fix it & was even willing to die to make it better. I tend to like the future stories more than the present & past based ones anyway. (really liked the first two parter though!)

Fair play!