
Matter-eater Man said:
I actually agree with that opinion. In the Dalek episode the imperfect Dr. worked for me but for the "undead" one it didn't as much. I still liked the episode, while the Dr. F-ed up, he did fix it & was even willing to die to make it better. I tend to like the future stories more than the present & past based ones anyway. (really liked the first two parter though!)

{Rex don't read: SPOILERS}
-Yeah, DALEK was incredible! It was the first time we were able to peek into a vulnerable, personal pain of The Doctor's. I think this is the first, and only "personal" episode we've ever gotten with the character....in the entire series. At no point I can think of in the past has he ever been as personally consumed with his own pain or agenda. It was excellent.

As for your points on The Unquiet Dead, I understand what you mean about The Doctor's actions being a bit too....dense...for him. I like to chalk it up to him being blinded by his own guilt and torture over the Time War. That was genius of Russel Davies to add that bit of backgrouond motivation/torture to the character. It really produced a completely different incarnation: the danger-junkie runing headlong into death, plagued by his own enternal guilt. Fabulous!

I liked the next WWIII two-part. However, there are bits of camp here and there I can do without. The farting didn't neccessarily bother me. But, the constant use of it was overdoing it a bit. Just my opinion, mind you. LOVED seeing UNIT again. Wish Nick Courtney could make a cameo as Brig. It's just not UNIT without him...