Missing episode hunt

    Find a missing episode and win a replica Dalek.

    Doctor Who has been a hit TV show for more than 40 years. Unfortunately more than 100 of the early black and white episodes no longer exist in the BBC's film and videotape library.

    However, episodes that the BBC thought had been lost forever have turned up in car boot sales, in peoples' attics and in other weird locations. So the wonderful people at Blue Peter have launched a campaign to try and track down these lost episodes.

    The prize for anybody who finds a missing episode is a full-size replica Dalek... so it's definitely worth asking your family to check their lofts, garages, and spare bedrooms for any old film cannisters that might have the magic words 'Doctor Who' on the label.

    Click on the link below to visit the Blue Peter website for full details of all of the episodes that are currently missing. There's also the details of how you can get in touch with the BBC if you do find one of these lost reels of film.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.