I finally saw season one, and I was pleasantly surprised. I saw the first episode a while ago and was kind of underwhelmed. I admit, I didn't give it a fair chance then. My favorite episodes were probably The End of the World and The Empty Child. I actually didn't think the Russel Davis eps were all that bad. It was the soap opera-y stuff that irritated me, as it really seemed to interrupt the flow of the series at times. I didn't care for the Father's Day one at all.

My first impression of Christopher Eccleston was that he was a bit goofy. He definitely seemed to be trying to imitate Tom Baker; not that that's necessarily a bad thing. However, he really grew on me as the season progressed. He was actually pretty intense at times, which I suppose you could say makes him a good "modern" Doctor Who(this being an era of gritty cop shows and such). I was sad to see him go.

The character I was never terribly interested in was Rose. Not to sound like Pariah, but I didn't think she was overly attractive, either(cute, but a little...odd looking, facially). I just never bought her as a companion. At least, not one that the doctor would go out of his way to drag along. That's an issue I've had with many of the show's previous incarnations, however. I understand that to create conflict in the stories, the Doctor needs someone to get into trouble so he can save and banter with them, but it never seemed plausible that the Doctor would willingly take along someone who would be such a hindrance. At least a character like Romana(who the Doctor did not accept willingly as a companion) was actually somewhat useful, or "qualified" as an assistant.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.