
Flameswordsman said:

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:

Ok, I didn't like alot of the writing in this episode. First was Davros-lite.

That guy used to be in Only Fools and Horses playing the idiotic road-sweeper.

But I concur, his acting sucked. It was also painful to see Don Warrington, a frequent on the Grumpy Old Men show. You can't be a Grumpy Old Man who complains about everything and still make cameo's on Dr. Who, its just not proper.

That Byker Grove reject who presents Children's TV was also a slap in the face [the resistance punk]. I want real actor's, not bargain basement variations.

And was it just me who found the Cyber-men completely non-threatening? They were so slow and didn't even have projectile weapons. An old lady could have out-paced them.

I need to go back and watch the Eccleston series, because this new guy just ain't doing it for me.

Not to be rude, but I disagree with you on almost every major front here. Of course, it's a matter of opinion.

I'll admit, Davros/Lumic was a pain, and the one thing that spoilt it for me, but even he had good bits. And He was much more effective as the Cyber Controller than as his human form.

Don Warrington was one of my favourite things about this episode. I really enjoyed his performance in part 1, and he was surprisingly inspiring. Of course, I don't watch Grumpy Old Men, so that may affect it.

Byker Grove (and CBBC, by the way) kid was actually a pleasant surprise. Not terrific, I'll grant you, but he worked well with Mickey/Ricky, and he was better than I affected, after a bad first scene.

And frankly, I was more scared by the Cybermen than I was by the Daleks last series. I thought they were virtually an insult to the old show's Daleks, for reasons that are too lengthy to be discussed here. The Cybermen, on the other hand, were made to look strong, and whilst thier lumbering was as slow as ever I was used to it so it didn't change my opinion.

All in all, I really enjoyed this two parter, and I much prefer David Tennant to Chris Eccleston as a Doctor. Doctor 9 was obviously based on 1 and 6, with the net result that he came across sometimes as someone who didn't want to be there. 10, on the other hand, is very reminiscent of Tom Baker, still the best in my opinion. Plus, so far I've enjoyed every episode, more than can be said for the first 6 episodes of last series, where I was unsatisfied by Rose, largely apathetic to the End of the World, enjoyed The Unquiet Dead and teh Slitheen 2 parter, and loathed Dalek (pity the mericless killing machine? I think not).