
Prometheus said:
Man, you're coming right into it in the end of the season. What you watched was part-one of the season finale. I'm surprised that you could keep up with all the continuity referencing.

If you get a chance, as I'm certain Sc-Fi will rerun this whole season again, try and catch them in order. Glad you dug it. Yeah, the 9th Doctor is the 'black (leather) sheep' of the incarnations. Intimidating and goofy, all rolled into one...

That he is. That epsiode with the reality tv shows cracked me up. At least the shows they used cracked me up. "you are the weakest link" heh

I've seen up through ep 2x6. Of the latest batch my brother gave me, I only have one left to go, 2x7.

I need to either try and download school reunion myself or get another copy of it from my brother. Because it won't play on windows media player (no matter what plug-ins I've downlaoded) and it just stops (in divix) right after Sarah and Rose laugh about the things the Doctor does, he comes in, then they switch to another scene, outside. I have nothing past that. What also annoys me is that divix won't let e fast forward. I even downlloaded the latest version and am still having problems.

Oh well, took me a bit to get used to David Tennant because he's not as dark as Eschelton(sp) but he still threatens people when needed. I don't think I buy his threats as much as I did the previous Doctor though.

It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.