I agree with Pro on the character thing. If you look at the weakest Doctors, they're almost always baseing their characterisation oon tprevious ones too much. Colin Baker did that, and he was definitely the weakest.

As for David Tennant and Christopher Eccleston, I liked Eccleston initially but he started to grate on me by 'Dalek' (though my dislike of the story itself might have something to do with it). He was just too dark for me, and I foudn that off-putting, I liked him best during the humorous moments (his interplay with Captain Jack was great).

David Temmamt, on the other hand, had me from the get-go. I loved Christmas Invasion and New Earth, though I'll admit they weren't perfect.

As for 'Girl in the Fireplace' I liked it, but not as much as School Reunion or Christmas Invasion. They both broke into my top 10 doctor who episodes, and School Reunion got up there pretty high too. Girl was like Spearhead from Space and Kinda in that, whilst I really enjoyed watching it and would gladly watch it again, it didn't grab me in the same way as (for example) School Reunion, Talons of Weng-Chiang or The Greatest Show in the Galaxy.