
Doctor Who ReAnimated!

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Two lost episodes recreated for DVD release.

We're delighted to announce that in November, 1968's Cyber-epic The Invasion will be released on DVD - including fully-animated recreations of two missing episodes, by world-renowned studio Cosgrove Hall.

This Invasion stars Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor in a battle with the Cybermen. Episodes One and Four from this eight-part story have long been missing from the BBC's archives, but the soundtracks survived.

Sophie Walpole, head of the BBC's Interactive Drama & Entertainment division, explained the thinking behind the project. "In the year that the Cyberman have returned to Doctor Who, it seemed a good idea to complete one of their finest outings from the 1960s," she said. "We have found a unique and innovative way of presenting this classic adventure with new animation fitted to the lovingly restored soundtrack."

Cosgrove Hall's Lead Animator Steve Maher found the job of recreating a black and white TV adventure "a slightly surreal experience", but explained that animating Patrick Troughton's Doctor was a real treat. "He has a wonderfully animatable face, so he was a gift. Baddies are invariably more fun to depict than the good guys so the sneering, unblinking Tobias Vaughn was a lot of fun, too."

The company had previously worked on the 40th anniversary Doctor Who story, and have been able to significantly advance the techniques they developed for The Invasion.

Rock the fuck on...