
Prometheus said:
Well, Jaqueline Hill (Barbara) is dead. But, William Russel (Ian) is still alive and active. I, too, would simply love a visit to an elderly Ian. You could just have it mirror real life, and Barbara died a few years back of natural causes, after they had a lifetime together. What really striked me as unique about Ian & Barb, is that they are the very first (as far as we know) human companions The Doctor ever had. What was the rest of their life like, hearing or seeing alien things happening around the world, and knowing The Doctor was out there? Not to mention, how would Ian....the character that was the "young, action hero" to Hartnell's "elderly Doctor".....react to the character now appearing younger than he ever was during their time together? In other words, the tables would be reversed. That's something I would like to see explored.

Also, of note, I would love to see The Doctor attend the Brigadier's deathbed, and be there as he breathed his last. The actor (Nicholas Courtney) isn't getting any younger. And, it would be nice to have some closure on a character that's appeared with every Doc (except Eccleston).

Of course, I know all of the above is merely a pipedream, best suited for novels and such. But, I can still wish...

Baker has stated that he would be happy to appear on the new show.......................as The Master! I'm not lying. He really said he wanted to play The Master.

Did you ever see Tom Baker play the evil magician in The Golden Voyage Of Sinbad? He did an outstanding job of playing the bad guy there. I would love to see him portray the Master.

Hell, I'd want him back in the series under any (Reasonable ) capacity!!!!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.