
Nowhereman said:
I'm not really watching Doctor Who as such, it was just that they had a double header on one channel & I couldnt see anything better to watch!

As I say, if I can find the Ecclestone set cheap enough in DVD, I will prolly buy it!

Now onto Daddy Who!
Now if you think about it, we have heard stories of there only being 13 regenerations (thats the right number yes?), so maybe after Ecclestons short run, the BBC are hedging their bets & setting up a potential son of Doctor Who incase Tennant fucks off early as well (and anyone else).

As for Baker as the Master, now that works on sooooo many levels!
Firstly the idea that the Master could regenerate into an identical image of one of the Doctors could create all sorts of ideas about just who exactly the Timelords are.

Or maybe the Master could just get plastic surgery as part of a dastardly plan.

Either way it could make for a story where the Doctor meets the Master but is maybe initially fooled into thinking that somehow he has met a previous regeneration.

With the new assistant, whats weird about this over any previous actor with multiple roles is that she was announced just days after this episode aired, so although her role wasnt huge, it was fresh in peoples minds, and of the supporting cast, she was actually quite prominant!

EXCELLENT!! I like those ideas!!!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.