
Prometheus said:

There have other various instances where it's been hinted that "Who" may be a shortened translation of his last name, much like when he met the female Time Lord Romanaveradnalunda. The Doctor explained that he wasn't going to call her that everytime, and said he would shorten it to either "Romana" or "Fred". She liked Fred, but he stuck her with Romana.

This scene between The Doctor and Romana took place in the episode titled " The Ribos Operation."

It was the very first one where we meet Romana....

They were walking out of the TARDIS when the Doctor said to her, " I need to talk to you about something....It's your name ..what is it? Romanaveradnalunda.?"

Romana says, "Romanaveradnalunda."

The Doctor : " It's too long. In case you're in some sort of danger, by the time I call out your name .."

Romana : " Romanaveradnalunda."

The Doctor : " Yes, by the time I call out your name, it could be too late and you'd be dead. How about if we just
shorten it to Romana?"

Romana : " I don't like that name."

The Doctor : " It's either THAT or I call you Fred!"

Romana : " Okay, call me Fred, then..."

The Doctor : " Alright, follow me, Romana..."

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.