
Matter-eater Man said:
So any reviews of the Runaway Bride? Spoil me pleeeease!

BTW received some of the new Doctor Who toys. Like the Rose figure from season 2 with K-9. All of them are pretty spiffy though. The 9th Doctor & first season Rose are stuck in preposes though. The werewolf from season 1 is really huge. Character Options has done a nice job with selection. Beyond the big name bad guys (Cybermen & Daleks) they've also done many of the other villians in the series. Not sure if I mentioned it previously but I've seen preorders for the plastic mannequins from the first episode & also a clock work man. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up the Tardis set in the near future to display them all with.

My Review of the Runaway bride is as follows.

The Episode would have been fucking great if Russel T Davies didn't write it.
If I have to listen to one more Script from him where he has the Docotr practically jerking off about the wonders of Humans i am going to vomit.

The Premise of the episode was pretty good, He does get a little to emotional about the whole Rose thing throught the episode. But again Suspect that just is Ruseel T Davies injecting to much estrogen laced dialog as is his custom. I look for to Season 29 being written by mostly other people other then Russel T Davies.

Here's to hoping.

I brew beer now. Brewing beer is cool.