
Prometheus said:....
  • As an American, I have no idea who Catherine Tate is outside of this show. Therefore, I really dug her. "Donna" was the most UN-annoying throwback to the Tegan Jovanka era of loud, brash, bat-shit-crazy companions. Not to mention, she was genuinely funny in places and delivery ("Santa's a robot!"). So, all in all, bravo to that chick. She did it for me. And, much to her credit, not once did I miss Billie/Rose.[/LIST]

  • I dug around for reviews before I got the chance to see it. Apparently Tate is a big star over there but isn't "loved". I liked her to and never really cared for the Tegan types myself. She was a fun character & hope we see her again in the show.


    • Davies, as BK said, stop circle-jerking to the human race. We're neat. We're amazing. We're tenacious. We get it. Move on.

    • TARDIS, you are an amazing machine. Stop now. Don't get too amazing, or you might tread on becoming amazingly ridiculous. Science Fiction can only bend so far until the science becomes magic, and the fiction becomes nonsense. Davies, modern children are much smarter in the age of computers and iPods. When even they start calling bullshit, you know you've gone too far into silly.

    • Kids "cheering" the Doctor on. Once again, kids=generally intelligent. They don't need to be told which part to root for their hero. And the adults watching want to avoid becoming spontaneously diabetic. Easy on the naval-gazing and back-patting with those moments.

    • Aliens drilled to the center of the Earth.

      Take a moment.

      Aliens drilled to the center of the fucking p l a n e t.

      Davies, thumbs up on dialogue and ideas. But, for the love of Pertwee, hand off the scientific explanations and concepts to someone who's graduated High School, okay?

      The center. Planet. Big hole.


    • Was the alien spastic, orgasmic, or just being played by a blind actress? She swayed more than Stevie Wonder in an earthquake.

    So, overall, Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride : B-

    Nowhere near a "classic", yet, leaps and bounds over last year's invasion of the cheese. And, yes, I know what Doc 10 would say here:

    "That's impossible!!"

    No, Davies, you overdramatic twat. It's not impossible. Merely improbable. Fuck, buy a thesaurus...

    I agree with your cons except I did enjoy the kids cheering the doc. It just emphasized the moment for me.

    Fair play!