
Grimm said:

Prometheus said:
Yeah, that's no surprise, really. Tennant has stated numerous times that his Doctor when he was growing up was Davison. Hell, he even wears the tennis shoes, as such. Davison even visited the set of The Christmas Invasion to wish him good luck.

As far as the whole weaker aspect, I certainly understand that. It's hard to accept such drastic change between Doctors. Davison was a great Doctor. However, when you set him up against Baker, he'll always appear weaker. Same with Tennant and Eccleston.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not that super-keen on Tennant, myself. He plays the part in ways that I've never enjoyed from other incarnations. However, as with all Docs, I can't say that he's "bad". He's just different. Coming right after Eccleston...and with Chris leaving us still wanting more....it's almost impossible for ANYone to compare.

I, too, look forward to future Docs. Still, it doesn't keep me from enjoying most of the episodes, and the Doc himself.

Again, I implore you, watch the two-part season finale. It's worth it for many reasons, if nothing else to see Tennant's emotional range expand a bit. Thinks get dark...

You know, it had a lot of potential. An EPIC setup and Davies pisses it all away with the same pedestrian by the numbers execution. Tennant's Doctor is so all knowing and blithely strides through everything so that you just wonder why anyone feels there's ever any real danger at all.

I loved the first meeting of the Cybermen and the Daleks, but the whole fanboy "see the Daleks are so much superior to the Cybermen" just kills any real suspense. I was hoping for an EPIC battle here and the show completely fails to deliver on the promise.

Plus, how many times can Davies go back to the well of pulling Daleks out of his arse? I admit, this was a clever one, but how many more times will they be "destroyed for good?" only to unexpectedly reappear?

Mickie's evolution was ok, but I would've probably gotten more out of it if I'd seen more of the season.

Rose's dad showed more emotion in one episode than I've seen out of Tennant in the five that I've seen. Reminded me of Bruce Willis for some reason. He was cool.

I doubt I'll stick around for the next season. The things that really grabbed me during the Eccleston run are pretty much gone.

Essentially Grimm, Cross, and my drunken conversation the other night. Tennant's too "I've got that solved" as the Doctor. There really is no fighting for it. Davies is just coming off as a fanboy bringing his Doctor Who fan fiction to life. Other writers have done a lot more for Tennant than Davies has as far as giving his Doctor range. Too much know-it-all, too much TARDIS as a plot device to fix shit, and spending too much time close to home (Earth).

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."